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Helldivers 2




Helldivers 2 blasts onto the scene with all the comedic intensity of its predecessor, promising players an uproarious journey towards interplanetary domination.

However, as the laughter subsides and the dust settles, the storyline of Helldivers 2 quickly fades into the background, overshadowed by the relentless onslaught of bloodshed and combat. What begins as a tale of interstellar conflict and political intrigue becomes secondary to the frenetic action that consumes every moment of gameplay. The urgency of the mission at hand, coupled with the sheer thrill of battle, pushes any semblance of narrative coherence to the sidelines.

Feel and Mechanics

We felt that Helldivers does live up to the hype. From the moment you step into your exosuit, equipped with an arsenal of absurd weaponry  we found the layout, button mapping and cadence to use resources and abilities rather refreshing. With a game that looks similar to Titanfall Helldivers sets a tone that's as exhilarating as it functional.

At first we were unsure if the third person (over the shoulder) point of view was a good move from the Helldivers developers Arrowhead, but the smooth feel makes the intense combat rather silky. 

Occasionally you murder your teammate due to friendly fire, but hey, thats part of the realism. 



Challenge and Entertainment

Helldivers 2 is a strong candidate in the realm of entertainment and challenging gameplay, easily earning a solid 9/10 rating for its addictive blend of action and strategy. Each mission felt like a meticulously crafted enemy barrage, requiring not only quick reflexes but also strategic thinking and effective teamwork to overcome.

What truly set Helldivers apart, however, was its unwavering difficulty. This wasn't a game for the faint of heart; it demanded precision, coordination, and a willingness to embrace failure. Even the most seasoned veterans would find themselves challenged as they faced off against increasingly formidable alien threats. Yet, it was precisely this level of challenge that made each victory all the sweeter. 

Build and Development

The character building in Helldivers lacked the depth and complexity found in other titles, offering little in the way of skill trees or character classes to differentiate playstyles. Instead, players were encouraged to experiment with different load-outs and strategies to find what worked best for them.

While this simplicity made the game more accessible to newcomers, it could leave veteran players craving more depth and variety in their customisation options, especially from a character build stand point.



Loot and Extras

Despite its initial promises, Helldivers 2 struggled to consistently "wow" players throughout the entirety of the game. While its comedic intensity and bashful approach to combat initially captivated audiences, these elements soon became predictable, resulting in a gameplay experience that lacked sustained excitement. This could become a concern for the Helldivers 2 franchise in the months and years to come. 

In Helldivers 2, loot is notably sparse, with rewards limited to upgrades in the form of requisition slips and XP. This absence of traditional loot mechanics somewhat stagnates progression and the alluring element of Helldivers 2 combat. Are the missions really worth it?

We would recommend this game to anyone who has a love for warfare, shooter and combat based games. However, let us know if after 20 or so hours you felt... a little...?